About the Work
This work was photographed in an obscure Protestant cemetery in Macau, South China. Each gravestone tells a tale: a British sailor "murdered by Chinese" as his ship plys the odious opium trade; another unfortunate sailor "falling from aloft"; an American responsible for introducing the Japanese to the world's first telecommunication system, the "magnetic telegraph". I photographed the frieze for this work in a Borneo mangrove swamp on the opposite shore of the South China Sea which in the 19th and early 20th centuries was little more than a commercial lake for the west.
Size and Material
Photocopies from videostills
″I still use the same approach to my work: I get an idea, think of the title and then make the work. So not much has changed since 1964″
Copyright ©2024 belongs to Vaughan Grylls
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