About the Work
Britain's right-ring newspapers, which are the majority, megaphone for the Conservative Party right or wrong, not unlike people yelling from the stands for their favourite side.
The Mail, Express, Sun and the Telegraph are Conservative, and frequently represent the right of that right-wing party. The broadsheet Times has moved increasingly in that direction , while the Financial Times, occupies the soft right reasonable ground historically occupied by The Times. The Guardian, Mirror, Independent and The i generally support soft right Labour but with far less shouting.
Nearly every national title on the right is owned by a billionaire. They often live abroad, to avoid taxation and Britain's elected politicians are terrified of them.
The British press love running 'campaigns', sometimes on trivial issues but often on serious ones which should really be decided democratically in parliament by elected representatives rather than by newspaper megaphone.
The big bee in the bonnet for the Daily Express is 'migrants'. This newspaper doesn't discriminate between legal and illegal immigration. All are lumped together, to create enough numbers to instil the fear of God into their largely elderly, white, non-university educated audience.
Not mentioned in their campaign is one of the results of Brexit - which the Daily Express stridently supported - and that is cutting off white migration from Eastern Europe. Those EU nationals have now been replaced by non-white migrants from outside Europe. Yet the vast majority of migrants, black or white, legal or illegal, work far harder and in jobs that the British indigenous population do not want - an ironic example being caring for the elderly.
The Daily Express is a peddler of untruths and a dangerous, cynical bore.
″I still use the same approach to my work: I get an idea, think of the title and then make the work. So not much has changed since 1964″
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